Chuck has completed over 500 successful LBL sessions since.
For your Life Between Lives hypnosis session I use the techniques taught by the Newton Institute.
Using the advanced techniques taught by the Newton Institute to enter and navigate in the world between your immediate past life and your present life, NOW time.
Finding the "Purpose of this Life" is the most important question someone will have answered in this incarnation. You can discover this answer and so much more by remembering all that is within your immortal soul consciousness. This is accomplished by deep trance hypnosis using the techniques taught during the Newton Institute training.
Once this is found, the entire present life has a profound depth of understanding that fuels the awareness. Many other questions can be asked directly to your own personal spiritual guide such as: "What is my highest and best use of my time on earth?", " Who is my primary soulmate?", and any other question you would like to ask.
Here are several questions answered in a Life between Life session.
*Discover your Purpose on earth
*Seeing and speaking with your dearly departed loved ones face to face again
*Your eternal soul name
*Guide’s eternal name
*Choice of this body, and how it helps accomplish your Purpose
*Review how you chose your present body
*The Council of Masters reviews your life: (very loving and insightful, not at all critical)
*Reconnect with your Primary Soul Mate
*How the Council of Elder Masters feels the client is progressing in this life
*Primary purpose of current life
*Overall mission of client’s immortal soul
*Purpose for choice of present body
*Purpose for choice of Mother/Father & other significant people
*Reconnecting with your Soul Group
*Reconnecting with loved ones who died
*And so much more......
“Everyone knows the drop of water is in the ocean: Only a few know the entire ocean is in the drop of water.”
Dear Chuck,
It has been several weeks since I experienced my Between Life Regression and I am still astounded at the beneficial effects it has brought into my life! In one session (one session!!!!) I understand so much more about my life - more than therapy, or counseling, or psychic readings, or astrology charts could have done in years. I feel more confident, grounded, and much happier because I now understand where a lot of my issues came from. With this understanding I can now let go of them, and be much freer to move forward in a dynamic and very very positive way.
Thank you again and again...
All the Best to you in every Lifetime!!
Dear Chuck,
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you for the freedom that came with the Life Between Life Session. Truly a personal paradigm shift has happened in my head, my heart, my consciousness, my very soul. I have not felt this way since I was shown how to meditate many many years ago - and that beautiful daily practice I experience is something that has been sweetly enhanced with the LBL experience. I believe a Life Between Life Session will help anyone gain a better understanding of who they are, and how to proceed ahead with their life, so I am telling ALL my friends about this!!
I also want to say that you are a great hypnotherapist!! You went through the whole process with great care and kindness; your voice was soothing and assuring; your anchoring touch on my hand, or head definitely helped me remember most of the session later on. Chuck, you have a gift, and I am sure you will continue to use it for the greater good of all who turn to you for help - whether it be Life Between Life Regressions, Past Life Regressions, or to help someone get over allergies, fears, phobias, habits, chronic pains and illnesses.
Thank you so very much for helping to open my soul, thereby creating the space for a whole lot of healing.
Very Best Regards
Nathalie R., Miami, Fl.
Dear Chuck,
If it never happens again, I consider myself blessed to have had a wonderful first Life Between Lives Session. My primary goal was to be with the soul of my recently departed darling Marcia, and it happened. I was in bliss being with her and was crying throughout the hypnosis session. Chuck was an expert guide and we did have a wondrous journey together that I shall never forget. However, it was more important to me that Chuck is real and down to earth as I felt so at ease and comfortable with him. I was fortunately with a professional who refreshingly didn’t have an ego that spouted off how great he is. Chuck is just the opposite, so understated and I know I will be with him for many repeat time travel trips. I had gone through prior regressive primal therapy, but not past lives, and there is a certain amount of insight one gains about people after you become a feeling person. My brain tells me that Chuck is multi-talented with much to offer and my heart tells me that he more importantly is truthful and honest in his own heart. It must be destiny that I found the one qualified person in South Florida who can help me.
Thank you Chuck Frank.
Dearest Chuck,
Mucho Gracias, again.
The experience of my Soul Group, Guide & Council, never ceases to amaze. This was my 4th, LBL session in 3 years, and the experience always astounds, surprises, and blows me away, due to the pure Joy & Love that exists within inside me. I never guessed it was in me, always thought it was in someone else. Can’t thank you enough for your guidance, patience, and professionalism. Maria, will be calling soon for her 2nd session.
We “love” you,
Your LBL friends for life,
Pedro & Maria, Miami, Fl.
"You can feed a man or teach him how to fish, and then he can feed himself for the rest of his life.” In this LBL session you will learn several LIFE ENHANCING tools you can use forever.
If you want to change habits, and release limiting negative emotions that keep you from fulfilling your destiny and feel joy in your life, then it's time to discover hypnosis and it’s clinically proven benefits.
Testimonials from a few of the 1000’s of previous clients below.
“Dear Chuck,
I can’t thank you enough for your help. My hand was shaking for the past 12 years, it started after my aneurysm operation on my brain. I couldn’t hold a pen to sign my name, and being a watchmaker by trade, I couldn’t work for the past 12 years.
After the Life Between Lives session working with you my hand stopped shaking, and I can write again and work on watches. I don’t know what you did; however, it’s a miracle to me. God Bless you and keep up the great work.”
Angel Contreras 84 years young, Los Angeles, CA
“A friend of mine raved to me about your Life Between Lives Regression Session. I could tell it was a life changing experience for her; however, I thought she was exaggerating some. Little did I know that she was under-expressing the details of the session. With my LBL session Saturday, and experiencing my life between lives soul body, it has become clear to me that this has got to be heaven, the experience I’ve been searching for my entire life. When I discovered my purpose for being born and reconnected with my primary soul mate the tears of joy overwhelmed me, I’m still overwhelmed 2 weeks after the session.
Beautiful, astonishing, spectacular, eye opening, heart opening, are words that just don’t express my heart felt thanks for that experience. Loved it! Loved it! Loved it!
“Chuck, thanks again for helping me find my purpose. I’ve wondered about it my entire life; it’s as if the veil has been lifted and I can see clearly now what I’m
supposed to do. Sounds simplistic; however, it was life changing. Bless you!
- Tany D.
Dear Chuck,
The regression session to find what I was really good at doing was amazing. I never would have guessed it would take me back to another life time during the LBL. I didn’t even believe in past lives; however, after that session I have to admit it’s not a belief, I know. I’m now doing what we discovered and making money at it.
Goodbye forever my 9 -6 job!
Can’t thank you enough,
-Robert S.
“The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.”
- Albert Einstein
“When I was small I heard that an angel was always with me, it seemed a nice fairy tale as I got older; however, when I saw and spoke with my guide while in deep hypnosis in the LBL I was in awe! Thank you for being there for me with you unusual talents. I will remember these sessions for the rest of my life. Better yet, I’ll be
- Isabella F.
Dear Chuck,
My post traumatic stress is gone! After my accident 3 years ago I couldn’t drive on a main highway. I was always taking the side roads to avoid the highway at any cost. On the way home from the session I had with you I took the highway home: it saved me 35 minutes of travel time and restored my sense of courage. That was one amazing session! I'd heard about the amazing things that happen during the LBL from my 2 friends that worked with you; however, it's different when I experienced it myself. I know I'm not alone now, my guide, soul group and council are always inside me. There's a lot going on inside me. Sounds funny until I experienced your LBL session.
Bless you from my heart, and keep up the good work
Hello Chuck,
I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for the Life Between Lives session I had with you. Since I did it I feel more secure with the true knowledge of knowing why I'm on this earth. Being with my council and finding my purpose, and receiving clarity to go forward, and having all my questions answered was majestic, really. I'm grateful with Spirit for guiding me to you. I use my pendulum when I do my Spiritual Response Therapy, and spirit showed me your expertise was 100% on a 100 scale. Once again Spirit was correct, and the session was remarkable. Again, thank you for being so friendly and lovable. I hope to be
your friend forever, and I know the company of heaven got us together to help each other on our way back home.
Blessings filled with light,
Gloria Vasquez
certified Spiritual Response Therapist
Bogota, Colombia
Hypnosis is a scientifically verified technique that can promote accelerated human change. Your success is my success.
Call Chuck now with any questions,it is free and he is more than happy to answer your questions. He is an expert certified master hypnotist with over 30 years of experience, reach him now at 754-224-1456 to schedule your appointment, or for questions.
After a successful LBL you'll have opened a doorway into the higher beautiful spiritual realms of light and love with your guides and angels, you can anticipate to have many "aah haa" moments of insight in the days, weeks, & months that follow your session.
Prerequisite (per Dr. Newton) for a Life Between Life Session is a recent Past Life Session: $425.00
Life Between Life Session is approximately 4 to 6 hours: $599.00
*** If you choose to do the Past Life Regression & LBL the same day, the price is reduced to $599.00 for both in Hollywood. Out of town the fee is $699.00. This is for the Long Version Session, approximately 4 to 6 hours.
1st timers get a**** BONUS****: if you have trouble getting into the LBL space on your 1st session, you can come back and do a 2nd session free***** This applies to 1st timers only doing both the PLR & LBL the same day. The free session takes place in Hollywood.
(I offer this because I feel it's one of the best experiences a person can have on earth and I want everyone to experience it.)
Dramatic reduction in price for LBL’s when you come back on their birthdays (1/2 price) for a 2nd or 3rd session, as many people do. It really is an “EXPERIENCE OF A LIFETIME”. Many people choose to do a PLR/LBL each year, to keep in touch with their inner knowing, and feeling of connection to the oneness & their guides.
Refund Policy: For Pre-Paid sessions...
*Your time and my time is valuable
*Be sure you are serious about making your appointment, there are no refunds, once you schedule: (this session takes up the entire work day) however, you are always allowed to reschedule a time that works for both of us with no extra charges: and I do make appointments on weekends & evenings sometimes.
This is my favorite session to do; one of the most fascinating and absorbing 5 hours one can spend on planet earth.
Chuck Frank
754 224 1456
LBL Certified by Newton Institute in 2007. The 2nd to last training seminar Dr. Newton attended.
Hollywood, Miami, Fort Lauderdale, Orlando, Florida
Fargo,North Dakota,
Rio de Janiero, Brazil,
Mexico City, Mexico
Dr. Newton & Chuck
Dr. Newton & Chuck discussing LBL .
Chuck and Dr. Michael Newton and the Newton Institute Sept. 28, 2007, Dr. Newton retired at this teaching seminar: he came out of retirement for one more session in 2011. Chuck considered him a friend, and one of the most influential people he has encountered in his life. Dr. Newton passed away in 2016.
Below: Video of LBL demonstration. Chuck, at table left at 1 minute 52 seconds. This was the Newton Institute training seminar in Chicago.
Video below: Fast forward to 12 minutes & hear Dr. Michael Newton interviewed about LIfe Between Lives deep hypnosis.